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Tips on Setting up your Joomla site for Advertising

Tips on Setting up your Joomla site for Advertising
Your Joomla website can bring in a lot of ROI for your business, depending on how much time and energy you invest in it. Here are a few ways to make sure that your website rakes in the money:
  1. Traffic: Now that you’ve prettied your website in the best way possible, what do you do next? If you have a Firefox or IE browser, then get yourself an Alexa Toolbar. Google Chrome is also a great OS but will not help you increase your Alexa Traffic rank, which is what is the most used on the Internet by advertising companies that sell legitimates advertising spots. If you have Firefox, you can also install an extension, Alexa Sparky, through the add-ons on your browser menu. Once this is installed, you will be enabling Alexa to track any web surfing patterns. People use Alexa for other purposes as well, including viewing Alexa rankings on the sites they are visiting. If you are an advertiser, knowing the Alexa ranking of a site can help you in making your advertising decisions.

  2. Social Networks: Social networks are great advertising platforms for businesses today. Having a Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter or any other account will help in expanding your business. Depending on the nature of your business, you will also want to advertise your site on other websites of similar interest.

  3. Blogging
